Sunday, June 12, 2005

thus spoke jet

The concept of starting a blog has perplexed me for some time. I distinctly recall having a conversation with a friend of mine about a year and a half ago where we scoffed at those incessant bloggers and vowed to never submit to the shameless self promotion. Aren't there any aspects of our lives that are still sacred? we asked. Aren't there certain things better left unsaid and kept to ourselves for no one else to know? I wondered...

Why then, you might ask, have I opened myself to accusations of hypocrisy? Is it that I have gone against my principles? After all, I have been known to do so in the past - I bought a cell phone despite my promise that I never would. I drive my car to work everyday despite my cries that we are killing the earth with every rotation of the wheel. I eat meat when I know in my heart that the vegans are probably right. But these are the sacrifices I make to live in the modern world (or because I am too lazy to do otherwise). However, perhaps this is not so much a sacrifice as it is a realization. A realization that if I am ever to become the writer I ought to be, I need to write and summon the courage to let others read my words.

and thus spoke jet...

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